Smartlipo was actually developed as a gentler method of removing the fat from the human body. It is less invasive too. Also it is much better than the conventional liposuction. There are certain persons who think that this procedure normally have fat areas that are resistant to exercise and diet. Example of such areas is the waist, chin, or upper arms. Removal of fat is almost permanent. The fat might be able to return to area that has been treated only if that person happens to put on weight in the future again. Smart Lipo makes use of laser for dissolving the fat and tightening the skin in particular areas of the human body. The procedure of smartlipo causes less swelling and bruising than the conventional method of liposuction.

In this process the laser comes in contact with collagen which can be found inside the skin. This causes tightening and firming within few weeks after the procedure. Most of the patients do return to full series of activities just after 1 or 2 days of this procedure. If there is any kind of contact of the laser with any blood vessels then the laser immediately gets cauterized. It can help in removing the fat and tightening the skin of the chin, face, neck, inner thighs, outer thighs, upper arms, knees, love handles, mons pubis, buttocks, male breasts, back and abdominal areas. The process is comparatively pain free. Also it does not need general anesthetics to be used. There is also no need for incisions within the skin. Recovery from this procedure is extremely short. As mentioned earlier the uneasiness generally lasts only for two to three days.  The working person should get back to work within one day after the process. It is advisable that you wait for about 4 - 6 months before undergoing any further treatments in the same areas.