There are several people who are trying hard every day to gain control over the body image. As always exercising and dieting is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways of keeping a person fit. But sometimes there can be certain areas which just do not go away no matter how hard you try. This is where the liposuction comes in. It has been a great option that has been taken by many people. Smartlipo is truly an effective way that can be taken for accomplishing one’s goal. Smartlipo is basically the very first type of laser liposuction that is minimally invasive. If the procedure is less invasive then it will be less down time that you will worry about. Most of the patients do return to full series of activities just after 1 or 2 days of this procedure. It depends a lot on the procedure.

There have also been patients who have returned to start their work on that very same day. There is very little side – effects of the smart lipo procedure. The reason behind this is that the tune’s size is too small. It ranges between 1mm to 2mm in terms of diameter. The tube has to be moved back and forward in order to deliver the laser in the required area. Then the laser melts the fat and thus it can be moved away very easily. If there is any kind of contact with any blood vessels then the laser immediately gets cauterized. As a result the swelling, bruising and bleeding are much less. If there are any bandages at all they will be removed after surgery within a period of two weeks. The person does not require enduring a general anesthesia as the size of the instrument is very small. A local anesthesia will be good enough to provide the required numbing.